The average of to consecutive Even integers is 17. Find the largest of the four integers ?

How many integers???

To find the largest of the four integers, we first need to determine the two consecutive even integers mentioned in the question.

Let's assume the first even integer is x. Since it is the first even integer, the second consecutive even integer can be expressed as (x + 2).

The question states that the average of these two consecutive even integers is 17. We can use this information to set up an equation:

(x + (x + 2)) / 2 = 17

Now, we solve for x:

2x + 2 = 34

2x = 32

x = 16

So, the first even integer is 16, and the second consecutive even integer is (16 + 2), which is 18.

To find the largest of the four integers, we need to consider their order. The integers are 16, 17, 18, and an unknown integer. Since 18 is the largest among these integers, we can conclude that the largest of the four integers is 18.