can you check this tranlsation of a song for me.

Alors on vit chaque jour comme le dernier
Et vous feriez pareil si seulement vous saviez
Combien de fois la fin du monde nous a frôlés
Alors on vit chaque jour comme le dernier
Parce qu'on vient de loin

So we live each day as the last
and you would do the same if only you knew
How many times has death touched us
so we live each day as the last
because we come so far...

no sure about the last line in particular

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. An excellent job! The only thing I'd change is "the same" = le même. The only other thing you might consider is "toucher" for "frôler."


P.S. I just noticed you said you weren't sure about the last line.

so far = si loin/tellement loin/ jusqu'ici

Also I noticed for "death" you could have used "la mort" alth ough I like what you have.


The translation you provided is mostly accurate. However, the last line could be improved. Here's a revised translation:

"So we live each day as if it's the last
And you would do the same if only you knew
How many times the end of the world has come close to us
So we live each day as if it's the last
Because we've come a long way"

To confirm the accuracy of the translation, you can consult with a native French speaker or use translation tools, such as online translators or language learning apps. It's always helpful to cross-reference multiple sources to ensure the accuracy of your translation.