How did human history in North America during the period described in the prologue differ from the events of Asia, Eurasia, and Europe? Be specific.

How were these differences important to the international state of affairs in 1450?

You'll need to be more specific in at least one respect: What prologue??

And remember that before 1492, there was undoubtedly no real concept of international anything, if you are referring to interaction between people in North America before then and people on other continents. However, if you are talking about each (American Indian) nation and its interaction with others within what we now call North America, that's a whole different set of topics.

If you'll give more detail in your question, you'll probably get better answers!!


what iz the norman conquest and how do i write an editoral about this?

In these results are many good accounts of the Battle of Hastings, etc.

In an editorial, whose side do you want to support? The native Britons who were being invaded by the Duke of Normandy (in France)? The invading Duke and his forces, who ended up successful and were at the beginning of creating Britain as we know it now? Just pick a side and write your editorial from that angle. Be sure to at least read the Wikipedia article, but it'd be better if you read several others, too.


First, an editorial is an opinion about a topic. You need to write about whether you think the Norman Conquest was helpful or not. Below is a site that will help you with this.

History is crap

I love you

I understand that you may have a negative view on history, but it has great significance in understanding the past, present, and future. History helps us understand how societies have developed over time, the actions and consequences of individuals and nations, and the lessons that can be learned from the past. By studying history, we can gain valuable insights into human behavior, cultural differences, and societal patterns.

Additionally, history provides us with a context for understanding current events and the state of affairs in the world today. It allows us to analyze patterns, trends, and changes in social, political, and economic systems. By studying history, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of global issues and their underlying causes.

While history may not be considered a "hard science" like mathematics or physics, it is still essential for forming our perspectives, making informed decisions, and shaping the future. It is through the study of history that we can develop critical thinking skills, empathy, and a sense of identity and belonging in the world.

If you have any specific questions or topics related to history, I would be happy to help provide information and context.