What does this question mean exactly? It says.. review what you learned about Stonehenge and the cave paintings that were found in Spain by the two boys. Which is a greater achievement of these time periods? Explain your answer.

Does that mean explain achievements of that time period, or the time period as in modern times like now?

It means the prehistoric time period when these accomplishments were made.

Ok so does it mean which was a greater achievement, the cave paintings or the stonehenge?

This question is asking for your OPINION about which of the two is the greater achievement in those ancient times.

So you'll write your opinion and then provide details to back up your thinking.

kk thank you very much.

Based on the wording of the question, it appears that you are being asked to review and reflect on what you have learned about Stonehenge and the cave paintings found in Spain. Specifically, the question asks you to compare these two historical artifacts and determine which one is considered a greater achievement of their respective time periods.

To answer this question, you need to consider the context and significance of both Stonehenge and the cave paintings. Here is how you can approach answering and explaining your answer:

1. Research and gather information: Begin by reviewing what you have learned about Stonehenge and the cave paintings in Spain. Take note of their historical and cultural significance, their purpose, their creation process, and the knowledge and skills required to create them. Make sure you have a firm understanding of both artifacts.

2. Compare the achievements: Next, compare the achievements of Stonehenge and the cave paintings. Consider factors such as the scale, complexity, and sophistication of each. Think about the technological advancements and cultural contexts of the time periods in which they were created. Evaluate the impact and legacy of each achievement.

3. Analyze the greater achievement: Based on your research and comparison, form your own opinion on which artifact represents the greater achievement. Consider the criteria that you believe defines greatness, whether it be artistic, technological, historical, or cultural significance.

4. Explain your answer: Finally, explain your answer, providing a clear and well-reasoned argument supported by evidence and examples. Articulate why you believe one artifact is a greater achievement than the other, and connect your explanation to the specific time period and context in which they were created.

Remember to support your answer using the knowledge and information you have gathered about both Stonehenge and the cave paintings.