write an expression that represents the following: Eds salary is S dollars per week. His salary is tripled and he earns a $250 bonus.

how much will he have in 13 weeks

3S + 250

13(3s) + 250

thank you

You're welcome.

To calculate how much Ed will have in 13 weeks, we need to first calculate his weekly salary after it has been tripled, and then multiply it by 13 since there are 13 weeks.

Let's break down the steps:

1. Ed's salary is initially S dollars per week.
2. His salary is tripled, so we can represent his new weekly salary as 3S dollars per week.
3. Additionally, he earns a $250 bonus each week.
4. Therefore, his total weekly earnings can be represented as 3S + $250.
5. To find out how much he will have in 13 weeks, we multiply his total weekly earnings by 13: 13 * (3S + $250).

So, the expression that represents how much Ed will have in 13 weeks is:
13 * (3S + $250).