If a store is selling boxes of pudding at 3 for 0.99, how much would 12 boxes cost?

Answer $_________
3/0.99 = x/12 ?????

(0.99 dollars/3 boxes) * 12

= 4 * .99 = 4.00 - .04 = 3.96

you got it wrong

i put your answer and it says that it's incorrect

is it 0.99/3 = x/12???

I have to do a proportion

To find out how much 12 boxes of pudding would cost, we can set up a proportion using the information given.

Let's say the cost of 3 boxes is $0.99. We want to find the cost of 12 boxes, which we'll call "x."

The proportion can be set up as:

3 boxes / $0.99 = 12 boxes / x

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

3 * x = 12 * $0.99

Now, let's calculate:

3x = 11.88

To isolate x, divide both sides of the equation by 3:

x = 11.88 / 3

x = $3.96

Therefore, 12 boxes of pudding would cost $3.96.

oops never mind

i put the answer on a wrong question


You need the number of boxes on top of each fraction and the cost on the bottom.

how do you do this