Cindy is making a punch for a party. The recipe calls for 3 bottles of cranberry juice in order to make enough punch to serve 40 guests. How many bottles of cranberry juice will Cindy need in order to make enough punch to serve 100 guests?

Answer ___________ bottles

3/40 = x/100 ????
i already know to solve this proportion thing it's just that I want to make sure if I'm setting this up right.


Yes! :-)

3 bottles for 40 guests equals x bottles for 100 guests.

ok just making sure

thanks and now im going to solve it

Yes, you have set up the proportion correctly! To solve this proportion, you can cross-multiply and then solve for "x", which represents the number of bottles of cranberry juice needed for 100 guests:

3/40 = x/100

Cross-multiplying, we get:

3 * 100 = 40 * x

300 = 40x

To isolate "x," divide both sides of the equation by 40:

300/40 = x

Therefore, x = 7.5

Since you can’t buy half of a bottle of cranberry juice, Cindy would need to round up to the next whole number. Thus, Cindy will need 8 bottles of cranberry juice to make enough punch for 100 guests.