Can you help me with this integer problem?

is it 8????

yes it is 8....

Yes. Im in 6th grade also and i did intergers last month and yes you are correct! Good Job


Yes, I can help you with this integer problem.

To simplify the expression -8 + 6 + (-10) + (-2) * (-10), we follow the order of operations, which states that we should perform any calculations inside parentheses first, then any multiplications or divisions, and finally any additions or subtractions.

In this case, we have a multiplication operation -2 * (-10). When multiplying two negative numbers, the result is positive. So, -2 * (-10) equals 20.

Now we can substitute the value of -2 * (-10) into the original expression: -8 + 6 + (-10) + 20.

Next, we perform the additions and subtractions from left to right: -8 + 6 equals -2, then -2 + (-10) equals -12, and finally -12 + 20 equals 8.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 8. So your answer is correct!