Initially, the seven commandments issued by the animals were deemed unalterable, and symbolized a code by which the animals could live peacefully and equally among themselves. How and by what means were the commandments eventually changed? Choose and discuss one commandment who benefited in each instance and how?


In George Orwell's novel Animal Farm, the commandments were initially established as guiding principles that represented the ideals of equality and fairness among the animals. However, throughout the story, the commandments are gradually altered to serve the interests of the ruling pigs. Let's discuss one specific commandment, highlighting who benefited and how in each instance.

One of the commandments that went through significant changes was "All animals are equal." Initially, this commandment was the cornerstone of the animals' revolution, emphasizing their commitment to creating a society without hierarchy. However, as the pigs gained power and became the ruling class, they altered the commandment to their advantage. The revised version became "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

This alteration of the commandment allowed the pigs to establish a hierarchy, with themselves at the top and other animals beneath them. By adding the phrase "but some animals are more equal than others," the pigs justified their privileges and superiority. They used their intelligence and ability to manipulate language to convince the other animals that their leadership was necessary for the success of Animal Farm.

The pigs benefited the most from this changed commandment, as it solidified and legitimized their position of power, enabling them to exploit the other animals. By declaring themselves "more equal," they justified taking a larger share of resources, living in the farmhouse, and engaging in human-like behaviors that were initially forbidden. The pigs' manipulation of the commandment allowed them to establish a totalitarian regime where they could enjoy the privileges they desired while suppressing dissent among the other animals.

To understand the changes in commandments, it is important to read the novel and analyze the motivations and actions of the characters. By examining the narrative progression, readers can identify the gradual erosion of equality and see how the alterations to the commandments enable those in power to consolidate their authority.