"A Noiseless Flash" by John Hersey?

List one fiction technique and one nonficiton technique from the selection and descsribe the effects of each on readers. Please help cause I suck at this!!

Please list for me the fiction and non-fiction techniques you have studied. Look in your text for these things.

If you don't remember any, read through several of these search results:


List the six people presented in this excerpt from Hiroshima. Besides surviving the explosion of the atomic bomb, what do they have in common?

1. besides surviving the explosion of the atomic bomb, what do they have in common?

we don't know either

Sure, I can help you with that! "A Noiseless Flash" by John Hersey is a powerful and haunting account of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima during World War II. Let's identify one fiction technique and one nonfiction technique from the selection, and then discuss their effects on readers.

One fiction technique employed in the story is the use of vivid imagery. Hersey describes the events and aftermath of the a-bomb explosion in great detail, using descriptive language that appeals to the reader's senses. For example, he vividly describes the explosion as a "noiseless flash," the resulting fires as "tigerish," and the victims' injuries as "shreds of skin hanging from their faces." By utilizing this technique, Hersey creates a vivid and immersive experience for the readers, allowing them to visualize the destruction and horrors of the event. It helps to convey the emotional impact and the magnitude of the devastation caused by the bomb, leaving a lasting impression.

On the other hand, a nonfiction technique used in the story is the inclusion of eyewitness accounts and survivor testimonies. Hersey conducted extensive research and interviews with six survivors of the Hiroshima bombing, whose stories form the foundation of the narrative. By incorporating real-life experiences, this technique brings authenticity and credibility to the story. It allows readers to empathize with the survivors, to understand the personal tragedies they endured, and to witness the immediate and long-term effects of the bomb firsthand. The use of these accounts enhances the story's impact and presents a historical account that engages readers on an emotional and intellectual level.

In summary, the fiction technique of vivid imagery helps to create a visual and immersive experience for readers, while the nonfiction technique of using eyewitness accounts and survivor testimonies adds authenticity and emotional depth to the narrative. Both techniques play crucial roles in enhancing the readers' understanding of the human suffering caused by the atomic bomb and create a lasting impact.