If you watch a movie scene in which a loud explosion occurs in the space. What do you conclude about the accuracy of the scene?

Sound is not transmitted in a vacumn



Is sound

To conclude about the accuracy of a movie scene depicting a loud explosion in space, you need to consider the scientific principles related to sound propagation and the nature of space.

1. Understanding sound propagation: Sound requires a medium, such as air, water, or solid objects, to travel. In the vacuum of space, there is no air or any other medium for sound waves to propagate. Therefore, sound cannot travel in the empty void of space, meaning explosions cannot be heard.

2. The absence of the medium in space: Without a medium to carry the sound waves, explosions in space would produce no audible noise. Thus, any movie scene showing a loud explosion with accompanying sound effects in space is artistically inaccurate from a scientific standpoint.

3. The artistic choice of sound effects: Filmmakers often include sound effects for dramatic effect, even in scenes that are scientifically inaccurate. It is a creative choice to enhance the audience's experience and make the scene more engaging, rather than being a reflection of reality.

In summary, if you watch a movie scene with a loud explosion in space and hear sound accompanying it, you can conclude that the scene is artistically inaccurate from a scientific perspective.