can someone put these 7 steps of the scientific method in order for me please. I have google searched these and stuff but it is really confusing me. I only thought there were like.

a. run experiment
b. conclusion
c. compare results
d. form a question
e. create an experimental plan
f. create a hypothesis
g. predict results

these were the answers i got but I am not sure if they are correct.

b. 7
d. 1
e. 4
f. 3

oh wait tell me if it is correct now


oh wait tell me if it is correct now


Yes, these are all correct! :-)

To put the steps of the scientific method in order, I will first list all the steps and then arrange them sequentially:

1. Formulate a question or problem.
2. Conduct background research on the topic.
3. Create a hypothesis.
4. Design and execute an experiment to test the hypothesis.
5. Collect and analyze data from the experiment.
6. Draw conclusions based on the data.
7. Communicate the results and findings.

Now, let's organize them in the correct order:

1. Formulate a question or problem: This step involves identifying the specific question or problem that will be investigated through the scientific method.

2. Conduct background research on the topic: Before conducting an experiment, it is essential to gather existing knowledge and information related to the question or problem at hand. This step ensures that you have a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

3. Create a hypothesis: A hypothesis is an educated guess or prediction that attempts to explain the question or problem being studied. The hypothesis should be based on the background research conducted in the previous step.

4. Design and execute an experiment to test the hypothesis: This step involves planning and carrying out an experiment that will generate data to either support or refute the hypothesis. It is crucial to design the experiment carefully to ensure accurate and reliable results.

5. Collect and analyze data from the experiment: Once the experiment is conducted, data needs to be collected and recorded. This data is then analyzed using appropriate statistical methods to draw meaningful conclusions.

6. Draw conclusions based on the data: In this step, the collected data is analyzed to determine if it supports or refutes the hypothesis. Conclusions are drawn based on the evidence obtained from the experiment.

7. Communicate the results and findings: The final step involves sharing the results, findings, and conclusions of the experiment with others. This can be done through scientific reports, presentations, or publications.

So, the correct order of the steps is as follows:

1. Formulate a question or problem.
2. Conduct background research on the topic.
3. Create a hypothesis.
4. Design and execute an experiment to test the hypothesis.
5. Collect and analyze data from the experiment.
6. Draw conclusions based on the data.
7. Communicate the results and findings.