Are the reactants or the products favoured in the following reactions?

a. CH3COOH with NH3?
b. HS- with HCO3-?
c. HNO2 with NH3
d. NH4+ with F-
e. C6H5COOH with CH3COO-
f. H2SO3 with HCO3-
g. H2CO3 with SO32-
h. H2SO3 with SO32-

a) What is the dissociation equation in an aqueous solution?

b)Give the KA expression for each of the acids.
Identify the acid-base pairs.

To determine whether the reactants or the products are favored in a chemical reaction, we need to consider the equilibrium constant (K) or the reaction quotient (Q). The comparison of these values can help us understand the direction in which a reaction proceeds.

a. CH3COOH with NH3
This is an acid-base reaction. CH3COOH (acetic acid) donates a proton (H+) to NH3 (ammonia) to form NH4+ (ammonium) and CH3COO- (acetate). To determine which species is favored, we need to compare the acid dissociation constant (Ka) for CH3COOH (reactant) and the base dissociation constant (Kb) for NH3 (reactant). By comparing the constants, we can determine the relative strength of the acids and bases involved.

b. HS- with HCO3-
Similar to the previous reaction, this is also an acid-base reaction. HS- (hydrogen sulfide) can donate a proton to HCO3- (bicarbonate) to form H2S (hydrogen sulfide) and CO32- (carbonate). Here, we need to compare the acid dissociation constant (Ka) for HS- (reactant) and the base dissociation constant (Kb) for HCO3- (reactant).

c. HNO2 with NH3
Once again, this is an acid-base reaction. HNO2 (nitrous acid) can donate a proton to NH3 (ammonia) to form NO2- (nitrite) and NH4+ (ammonium). We need to compare the acid dissociation constant (Ka) for HNO2 (reactant) and the base dissociation constant (Kb) for NH3 (reactant) to determine which species is favored.

d. NH4+ with F-
In this reaction, NH4+ (ammonium) donates a proton to F- (fluoride) to form NH3 (ammonia) and HF (hydrofluoric acid). To determine which species is favored, we need to compare the acid dissociation constant (Ka) for NH4+ (reactant) and the base dissociation constant (Kb) for F- (reactant).

e. C6H5COOH with CH3COO-
This is an acid-base reaction between two weak acids. C6H5COOH (benzoic acid) donates a proton to CH3COO- (acetate) to form C6H5COO- (benzoate) and CH3COOH (acetic acid). To determine the favored species, we need to compare the acid dissociation constants (Ka) for C6H5COOH (reactant) and CH3COOH (product).

f. H2SO3 with HCO3-
In this reaction, H2SO3 (sulfurous acid) can donate a proton to HCO3- (bicarbonate) to form HSO3- (hydrogen sulfite) and H2CO3 (carbonic acid). To determine the favored species, we need to compare the acid dissociation constants (Ka) for H2SO3 (reactant) and H2CO3 (product).

g. H2CO3 with SO32-
This reaction involves carbonic acid (H2CO3) donating a proton to SO32- (sulfite) to form HCO3- (bicarbonate) and HSO3- (hydrogen sulfite). To determine the favored species, we need to compare the acid dissociation constants (Ka) for H2CO3 (reactant) and H2CO3 (product).

h. H2SO3 with SO32-
Once again, this is an acid-base reaction involving sulfurous acid (H2SO3) donating a proton to SO32- (sulfite) to form HSO3- (hydrogen sulfite) and SO42- (sulfate). To determine the favored species, we need to compare the acid dissociation constants (Ka) for H2SO3 (reactant) and the base dissociation constant (Kb) for SO32- (reactant).

By comparing the relative values of the acid dissociation constants (Ka) and base dissociation constants (Kb), we can determine whether the reactants or products are favored in each of these reactions.