I had to write about what I do when I go to the airport. Is this correct

Voy al aeropuerto con mi equipaje. Me presento en el mostrador con mi boleto aéreo y mi pasaporte. Registro mi equipaje. Voy con mi maleta de mano y paso por seguridad. Luego de pasar por seguridad, voy a la sala de espera y espero. Tengo que presentarme con mi pase de abordar. Abordo el avión. Busco mi asiento. Me siento en un asiento de ventanilla. Cuando el avión aterriza, voy y reclamo mi equipaje. Tengo que pasar por la immigración y aduana para mostrar mis documentos y equipaje

I'll send this to SraJMcGin.

look closely at the English word immigration. Now look VERY closely at the Spanish word inmigración. You will not have a double m in this word.

The verb "to board" (abordar) is used more in a nautical sense (with boats, etc.) and "subir a" is better for getting on a bus, train, airplane = subo al avión.

"tarjeta de embarque" is usually used for boarding pass, but if your textbook uses "pase de abordar," you should stay with that.

Otherwise, it looks very good. Instead of all the simple sentences, if you combine some of them into a complex sentence, your writing will look more sophisticated.

Examle: Busco mi asiento. Me siento en un asiento de ventanilla. = Busco mi asiento y me siento, etc.


Yes, your description of what you do when you go to the airport is correct.

Let me explain step by step what you have mentioned:

1. First, you go to the airport with your luggage. This is the initial step where you begin your journey.

2. Once you arrive at the airport, you proceed to the check-in counter or "mostrador" where you present your airline ticket (boleto aéreo) and passport. This is necessary for verification purposes and to receive your boarding pass.

3. After checking in, you take your checked luggage to be registered. This involves handing over your larger suitcase to the airline staff, who will tag it and place it in the appropriate area.

4. Next, you proceed through security. Here, your carry-on luggage will be screened, and you will have to go through a security checkpoint. This is done to ensure the safety of all passengers and to comply with aviation regulations.

5. Once you have passed through security, you head to the departure gate or "sala de espera." This is where you wait for your flight to be called.

6. Before boarding the airplane, you will need to present your boarding pass at the gate, which serves as proof that you are eligible to board the flight.

7. After boarding the plane, you find your seat. In your case, you mentioned preferring a window seat, so you would locate your seat in the window row.

8. When the plane lands at its destination, you disembark and proceed to the baggage claim area. Here, you collect your checked luggage, which you registered earlier.

9. After retrieving your luggage, you may need to go through immigration and customs. This involves presenting your travel documents, such as your passport, to immigration officers for inspection. Customs officers may also inspect your luggage to ensure you are not bringing in any prohibited items or goods.

In summary, your description is accurate and covers the main steps involved when going to the airport and during air travel.