1) which of the folowing is true regarding doing an online search for information

A- if your serch turns up no hits,you need to use a more specific keyword
B- you'll get better result if you choose a single, general keyword
C- Using one or two specific keyword saves time
Answer : C
2) To determine the best place to bigin your online research, you should first
A- formulate your research question.
B- settle on a single, concise search term or phrase.
Anser : B

It is somewhat settling that someone taking a course in Information Literacy would misspell Literacy. Think on that.

A is false
B is maybe true, depends on the information, but I seldom use only one general keyword.
c. usually true
So, correct.

2. You are dead wrong on the second. You need to decide what question you are trying to answer before searching.

How many different times are you going to post the same questions and the wrong answers?



lets not belittle the students

To determine the best place to begin your online research, you should first settle on a single, concise search term or phrase. This will help you narrow down your search and find more relevant results. By selecting a specific search term, you can save time by focusing on the most relevant information. Once you have a clear idea of what you're looking for, you can then formulate your research question based on the initial search results. So, the answer is B.