Which consumer choice model involves prioritizing service attributets and then using minimum level cutoffs when evaluating a service?

A. Conjunctive
B. Disjunctive
C. Lexicographic?
I think it is A. but I am not certain. Help!

To determine the consumer choice model that involves prioritizing service attributes and using minimum level cutoffs when evaluating a service, we can break down each option given:

A. Conjunctive: In this model, consumers set minimum acceptable levels for a set of relevant attributes. The consumer then considers all options and selects the one that meets or exceeds the minimum level for all attributes.

B. Disjunctive: In the disjunctive model, consumers set desired attribute levels and select the first option that meets or exceeds any of the desired levels.

C. Lexicographic: The lexicographic model involves consumers prioritizing attributes and selecting the option that performs best on the most important attribute. If there is a tie, the consumer then considers the next important attribute.

Based on the explanations above, it appears that the correct answer is C. Lexicographic. This is because in this model, consumers prioritize service attributes and evaluate options based on the most important attribute, disregarding attributes of lesser importance until a decision is made.

Remember that understanding consumer choice models involves knowledge of marketing theory. It is important to study and review the different models and their characteristics to answer questions like this with confidence.