Promotion time is coming around the corner. In the last board meeting, your supervisor has asked someone to create a list of tables for a Fernandos Skate Shop customer orders. Use the following preliminary field list and list of subjects to get started. Realize that the lists are incomplete, and you may need to add more information as necessary by inferring data from what you know about the case. Be sure to : 1. Provide a rationale as to why you add information. 2. Be as detailed as possible in explaining your choices. 3. Describe the steps you take to complete the list. 4. Prepare your final table list and your rationale.

Preliminary Field List List of Subjects
Skateboard model Customers
Description Products
Accessories Suppliers
Wheel type Orders
Bearing type Accessories
Product number Event
Quantity Price
Supplier Name
Supplier Contact
Customer Name
Item total
Grand total
Event location
Event Description
Event date
I am so lost I don't understand the table and list concept, nor the rationale can someone please explain to me what to do, I am in desperate need I have to turn this in by Sunday 5/13/2012

I understand that you are feeling lost and need assistance with creating a table for Fernandos Skate Shop customer orders. The preliminary field list you provided includes several fields, such as Skateboard model, Description, Accessories, Wheel type, Bearing type, Product number, Quantity, Price, Supplier Name, Supplier Contact, Customer Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, Email, Item total, Discount, Grand total, Event location, Event Description, and Event date.

To create the table list, we need to organize the fields into tables based on their logical relationships. This can be done by analyzing the data and understanding how the information is related.

Based on the field list and subjects provided, I would recommend the following tables and provide a rationale for each one:

1. Customers table: This table will include fields such as Customer Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, and Email. It is important to separate customer information into its own table for better data management and to establish a one-to-many relationship between customers and orders.

2. Products table: This table will include fields such as Product number, Description, Accessories, Skateboard model, Wheel type, and Bearing type. This table will store information about the available products at Fernandos Skate Shop. By separating products into their own table, we create a one-to-many relationship between products and orders.

3. Suppliers table: This table will include fields such as Supplier Name and Supplier Contact. This table will store information about the suppliers of the products at Fernandos Skate Shop. Creating a separate table for suppliers allows for better data management and establishes a one-to-many relationship between suppliers and products.

4. Orders table: This table will include fields such as Quantity, Price, Discount, Item total, and Grand total. It will also have foreign key fields Customer ID and Product ID to establish relationships with the Customers and Products tables. This table will store information about the customer orders at Fernandos Skate Shop.

5. Events table: This table will include fields such as Event location, Event Description, and Event date. This table will store information about any special events or promotions at Fernandos Skate Shop.

By separating the data into different tables, we can establish relationships between them and avoid data duplication. This allows for efficient data retrieval and management.

To complete the table list and your rationale, you can write it in a clear and organized manner, describing each table and the reason for its inclusion. You can also provide examples of how the tables will be related to each other using foreign key relationships.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the concept of table creation and the rationale behind it. If you have any further questions, please let me know.