Please read the following excerpt from an essay, and answer the question that follows.

Biologically, adolescence is marked by hormonal changes that produce secondary sexual characteristics. These include breast development in females and beard growth in males. (Psychologically however, adolescence is a concept that applies only to modern industrial societies. In fact, in most preliterate or tribal societies, the modern American idea of adolescence simply does not exist. In such societies, the social roles of adulthood are to be learned during childhood. (Then, around the time of biological puberty, a child becomes an adult through a ritual anthropologists call a rite of passage. By contrast, in American society, adolescence amounts to a sort of social and cultural limbo. Informally, the end of childhood is often marked by one's thirteenth birthday. The child is now a "teenager." More formally, the end of adolescence is marked by legal strictures that vary irrationally. In a given state the age of sexual consent may be 16 for girls and 18 for boys. An 18-year-old may vote or enlist to die for his country, but, until he reaches age 21, he may not legally purchase alcoholic beverages.
If the topic of this paragraph is adolescence, which of the following statements best captures or reiterates the thesis?
A. Adolescence is an aspect of modern society.
B. Adolescence is defined differently in different societies. C. Western society has no single concept of adolescence. D. Adolescence is an irrational concept.
2. An active reader who is assigned an essay to read will begin by A. researching the subject of the essay.
B. skimming the entire essay.
C. previewing specific parts of the essay.
D. reading the entire essay.
3. In searching out the key elements as you read an essay, you're most likely to discover the author's
support for his or her claims or ideas in the A. conclusion.
B. introductory paragraph.
C. title.
D. body of the essay.
4. Please read the following excerpt from an essay, and answer the question that follows. In the passage, the sentences are numbered to help you respond to the question.
(1) Biologically, adolescence is marked by hormonal changes that produce secondary sexual characteristics.

(2) These include breast development in females and beard growth in males. (3) Psychologically however, adolescence is a concept that applies only to modern industrial societies. (4) In fact, in most preliterate or tribal societies, the modern American idea of adolescence simply does not exist. (5) In such societies, the social roles of adulthood are to be learned during childhood. (6) Then, around the time of biological puberty, a child becomes an adult through a ritual anthropologists call a rite of passage. (7) By contrast, in American society, adolescence amounts to a sort of social and cultural limbo. (8) Informally, the end of childhood is often marked by one's thirteenth birthday. The child is now a "teenager." (9) More formally, the end of adolescence is marked by legal strictures that vary irrationally. (10) In a given state the age of sexual consent may be 16 for girls and 18 for boys. (11) An 18-year-old may vote or enlist to die for his country, but, until he reaches age 21, he may not legally purchase alcoholic beverages.
In which sentence of the paragraph do you find a transitional word or phrase that shows a time connection? A. Sentence 4
B. Sentence 7
C. Sentence 3
D. Sentence 6
5. The usual point of view when writing a formal academic essay is A. personal.
B. second person.
C. subjective.
D. third person.
6. One of the nine ways, or patterns, of developing an essay is A. process.
B. editing.
C. elaboration.
D. disputation.
7. Your topic is courtesy, and you're writing from the point of view of a caring mentor. Which of the following sentences is most persuasive for an audience of high school graduates from a working-class neighborhood?
A. Courtesy to others shows self-respect as much as it does respect for others. B. Courtesy is the oil that lubricates the machinery of discourse.
C. Remember that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
D. Courtesy yields profits to the impecunious as well as to the wealthy.
8. As a general rule, where in your essay is it best to place your thesis statement? A. At the end of the essay, as part of the conclusion
B. Anywhere at all, because the best thesis statement is implied, not specified
C. In the first, introductory paragraph of the essay
D. In the second or third paragraph of the body of the essay
9. You're reading an essay on the relationship between education and income. The most effective graphic
visual in such an essay is likely to be a A. photograph.
B. sketch of an educated person.
C. summary of opposing points of view. D. comparative graph.
10. Leila says that a thesis statement is like a promise to a reader. Lucas says a thesis statement expresses the writer's point of view. Who is correct?
A. Only Leila is correct.
B. Both Leila and Lucas are correct. C. Only Lucas is correct.
D. Neither Leila nor Lucas is correct.
11. Which of the following titles is made more effective by alliteration? A. Ruby, the Rose of Roslyn
B. Now You See It; Now You Don't
C. What's in a Name?
D. Guns: Our Lethal Heritage
12. In my journal, I've divided several pages into two columns. In the first column, I write down selected quotations from an essay I've just read. My purpose in these procedures is most likely to be _______ the essay.
A. creating
B. revising
C. analyzing
D. summarizing
13. Which of the following is a common error in composing a thesis statement? A. You focus your thesis statement after you begin writing.
B. You offer an original perspective on a familiar theme.
C. Your thesis statement contains two or more central points.
D. Your thesis statement is specific as opposed to general.
14. What is the dominant pattern of development in this passage?
Having been raised on a dairy farm in rural Minnesota, Lorie Ann Kline was having trouble adjusting to life in the city and to Central High School. In a conference with her parents, the school guidance counselor explained that Lorie Ann avoided talking to her fellow students and sat by herself in the lunchroom. Perhaps most disturbing, her grades were not what one would expect given her high scholastic aptitude scores. Mrs. Kline agreed that Lorie Ann was often shy around strangers. A solemn Mr. Kline explained that his daughter had been severely bullied by two older children who had lived at the farm for a short time. The guidance counselor nodded in understanding.
A. Comparison and contrast B. Description
C. Process
D. Narration
15. Please read the following excerpt from an essay, and answer the question that follows.
I've never actually met a real live humorist. Well, not in person at any rate. However, one summer, having a lot of time on my hands, I discovered unexpected treasures lurking in the local public library. Among the nuggets I unearthed in those musty stacks was a book by humorist Robert Benchley. To this day I remember one of his quips. He wrote, "There are two kinds of people in this world; those who divide the world into two kinds of people and those who don't." After laughing out loud, I became pensive. I wondered why the quip was so funny. A year or so later, I formed a theory. Humor is based on the unexpected.(br)In the passage above, the topic sentence and the thesis are one and the same.
What makes the last sentence effective as a thesis statement? A. Assertion
B. Humor
C. Simplicity
D. Specific detail
16. Which of the following statements best identifies a learning style that's creative, verbal, and
A. Karen loves sorting out facts, especially when she can help her classmates visualize them in novel and interesting ways.
B. Cameron loves to diagram the different aspects or meanings of an idea.
C. Bart enjoys sitting in public places with his brother analyzing people, especially when he is trying to come up with a plot for a short story.
D. Loren writes poetry because she enjoys experimenting with words to evoke emotions.
17. Carmen asserts that a strong conclusion to an essay should look ahead and present a call for action.
Carl agrees, except he insists that a strong conclusion should restate the thesis verbatim. Who is correct? A. Only Carl is correct.
B. Neither Carmen nor Carl is correct.
C. Only Carmen is correct.
D. Both Carmen and Carl are correct.
18. Please read the following excerpt from an essay. The sentences are numbered to help you respond to the question that follows.
(1) After Sean was arrested for breaking into a pawnshop, I began to wonder. (2) Why did some kids from my neighborhood end up in trouble while most of us didn't? (3) I started out with a question: What causes young people to make bad choices? (4) Now, after two years of research, I've arrived at the conclusion that there is no simple answer. (5) There is no one reason why good kids go bad, but there are typical reasons.
(6) According to my research, teenagers are most likely to get into trouble if they hang out with a bad crowd. (7) That's because people learn their values from the people they associate with. (8) So a very big reason for bad behavior is imitating one's peers. (9) But there are other important factors as well. (10) Kids who get in trouble are often school dropouts. (11) Also, kids being raised by a single mother are more likely to get in trouble than kids raised in an intact family. (12) Substance abuse also plays a role, especially when it comes to alcohol and legal or illegal drugs.
In which sentence or sentences do you find the thesis statement in this excerpt?
A. 2
B. 4 and 5 C. 3
D. 5
19. To narrow a general topic you've selected, which pair of techniques is most likely to be effective? A. Questioning and choosing an issue that interests you
B. Using a branching diagram and consulting your journal
C. Branching diagram and questioning
D. Freewriting and questioning
20. Lillian is looking for ideas to write about, and she decides to make a list of everything she can think of
that relates to the topic of teenage romance. Which concept best describes Lillian's strategy? A. Mapping
B. Free association
C. Brainstorming
D. Outlining
End of exam

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In this

i would like to see enswer

1. A

2. D
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. B
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. D
16. D
17. A
18. D
19. A
20. C
21. B
22. A
They will most likely take this down so good luck

1. The best statement that reiterates the thesis is B. Adolescence is defined differently in different societies.

To determine the best answer, we need to understand the main idea of the paragraph. The paragraph discusses the biological and psychological aspects of adolescence, as well as how it differs between different societies. The thesis statement would summarize this main idea. Option B summarizes the main idea by stating that adolescence is defined differently in different societies.

2. An active reader who is assigned an essay to read will begin by D. reading the entire essay.
To effectively analyze an essay, it is important to read the entire essay first. This allows the reader to get an overall understanding of the essay's content and main points. Skimming or previewing specific parts may not provide enough context to fully comprehend the essay.

3. In searching out the key elements as you read an essay, you're most likely to discover the author's support for his or her claims or ideas in the D. body of the essay.
The body of the essay is where the author develops and supports their claims or ideas. It provides evidence, examples, and explanations to support the main argument. Therefore, when searching for the author's support, the body of the essay is the most likely place to find it.

4. The transitional word or phrase that shows a time connection is D. Sentence 6.
In sentence 6, the phrase "Then, around the time of biological puberty" indicates a time connection. It suggests that after a certain point (biological puberty), something happens (a child becomes an adult through a ritual). This transitional phrase shows a progression in time.

5. The usual point of view when writing a formal academic essay is D. third person.
In formal academic writing, the usual point of view is third person. This means that the writer does not use personal pronouns like "I" or "we" and maintains a more objective tone. Third person allows for a more objective and authoritative perspective in academic writing.

6. One of the nine ways or patterns of developing an essay is A. process.
One of the patterns of developing an essay is the process pattern. It involves explaining how something works, how something is done, or how something is made. This pattern focuses on explaining the step-by-step process of a specific topic or subject.

7. The most persuasive sentence for an audience of high school graduates from a working-class neighborhood would be C. Remember that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
This sentence is a common saying that emphasizes the importance of being polite and courteous. It appeals to the audience's practicality and suggests that being courteous can lead to positive outcomes. Given the context of the audience being from a working-class neighborhood, this sentence is likely to resonate with their experiences and values.

8. As a general rule, it is best to place your thesis statement in C. the first, introductory paragraph of the essay.
The thesis statement is typically placed in the introductory paragraph of an essay. This allows the reader to understand the main argument or point of the essay right from the beginning. Placing the thesis statement in the first paragraph helps to set the tone and direction of the essay.

9. The most effective graphic visual in an essay on the relationship between education and income is D. a comparative graph.
A comparative graph would be the most effective visual representation to show the relationship between education and income. It would allow the reader to visually compare and analyze the data, making it easier to understand the relationship between the two variables.

10. Leila is correct. A thesis statement is like a promise to a reader. It presents the main point or argument that the writer will discuss and support in the essay. Lucas's statement is incorrect. A thesis statement expresses the writer's point of view, but it goes beyond that by making a clear and specific claim that will be explored in the essay.

11. The title that is made more effective by alliteration is D. Guns: Our Lethal Heritage.
Alliteration is the repetition of similar sounds at the beginning of words. In this case, the title "Guns: Our Lethal Heritage" uses alliteration with the repeated "G" sound in "Guns" and "Heritage." This adds emphasis and makes the title more memorable and catchy.

12. The purpose of the divided pages and selected quotations in the journal is most likely C. analyzing the essay.
The act of dividing pages and selecting quotations suggests a process of analysis. By organizing selected quotations from the essay, the writer is likely trying to identify and analyze important points or themes within the essay.

13. A common error in composing a thesis statement is C. Your thesis statement contains two or more central points.
A thesis statement should express a single central point or argument. Including multiple central points in a thesis statement can make it too broad or unfocused. It is important to have a clear and concise thesis statement that presents a specific main argument or point.

14. The dominant pattern of development in this passage is D. Narration.
The passage is primarily narrating a story or presenting a sequence of events and experiences. It discusses the background, problem, and solution related to the topic of a student adjusting to life in the city and dealing with past experiences. This narrative structure makes it a narration pattern of development.

15. The last sentence is effective as a thesis statement because of A. Assertion.
The last sentence is effective as a thesis statement because it presents a clear and specific assertion about humor being based on the unexpected. It provides a focused argument that can be explored and supported in the essay. This assertion makes the thesis statement effective.

16. The learning style described in the question is C. Bart enjoys sitting in public places with his brother analyzing people, especially when he is trying to come up with a plot for a short story.
This description of Bart's behavior suggests a creative, verbal, and independent learning style. He enjoys observing and analyzing people, which implies a creative approach. His preference for sitting in public places and coming up with plots for a short story indicates a verbal and independent learning style.

17. Neither Carmen nor Carl is correct. A strong conclusion can include elements of looking ahead and presenting a call for action, but it should also summarize the main points and reinforce the thesis. It should not simply restate the thesis verbatim. Therefore, both Carmen and Carl's statements are partially correct, but not entirely accurate.

18. The thesis statement is found in sentence D. 5.
The thesis statement is typically a clear and concise sentence that presents the main argument or point of the essay. In this excerpt, sentence 5 states, "There is no one reason why good kids go bad, but there are typical reasons." This sentence is the most specific and concise statement that presents the central claim of the essay.

19. To narrow a general topic, the most likely pair of techniques to be effective is C. Branching diagram and questioning.
A branching diagram allows you to visually explore different subtopics or related areas within a general topic. This technique helps to narrow down the focus and identify specific aspects to discuss in the essay. Additionally, questioning helps to refine the topic by asking specific questions related to its different aspects.

20. Lillian's strategy can be best described as C. Brainstorming.
Lillian is making a list of everything she can think of that relates to the topic of teenage romance. This process of generating ideas and listing them is known as brainstorming. Brainstorming allows for the free flow of ideas without judgment, and it helps to generate a wide range of potential topics or subtopics.

. Your topic is courtesy, and you're writing from the point of view of a caring mentor. Which of the following sentences is most persuasive for an audience of high school graduates from a working-class neighborhood?

A. Courtesy to others shows self-respect as much as it does respect for others. B. Courtesy is the oil that lubricates the machinery of discourse.
C. Remember that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
D. Courtesy yields profits to the impecunious as well as to the wealthy