7. "¿Por qué estás triste?" Porque _____."

a. terminaron temprano las clases hoy
b. por suerte no hay clases la semana proxima
c. hoy no tengo que dar un informe en la clase de historia
d. saqué una mala nota en el examen de geografia


Yes,It's D.

To determine the correct answer to the question "¿Por qué estás triste?" (Why are you sad?), we need to evaluate the given options and select the one that best explains the reason for feeling sad.

Option a: "terminaron temprano las clases hoy" (classes ended early today)
This option indicates that classes ended early, but it doesn't necessarily explain why someone would feel sad. It might actually be a reason to feel happy or relieved.

Option b: "por suerte no hay clases la semana próxima" (luckily, there are no classes next week)
This option suggests that not having classes the following week, which could be a positive thing, but it doesn't explain why someone would feel sad.

Option c: "hoy no tengo que dar un informe en la clase de historia" (today, I don't have to give a presentation in history class)
This option implies that the absence of a presentation in history class could be a positive thing, so it doesn't explain why someone would feel sad.

Option d: "saqué una mala nota en el examen de geografía" (I got a bad grade on the geography exam)
This option provides a plausible reason for feeling sad. Getting a bad grade on an exam is often a cause for sadness or disappointment.

Therefore, based on the explanations above, the correct answer is d.