If the Sun shrank to the size of a black hole without losing any mass, what would happen to Earth's orbit?

If the Sun's mass doesn't change, its gravitational attraction won't change.

If the gravitational attraction doesn't change, then the Earth's orbit won't change

If the Sun were to shrink to the size of a black hole without losing any mass, the mass of the Sun would remain the same. However, the density would greatly increase, leading to a much stronger gravitational field.

The gravitational force between the Earth and the Sun is responsible for keeping the Earth in its orbit. Since the mass of the Sun remains the same, the gravitational attraction between the Earth and the Sun would not change significantly. Therefore, the Earth's orbit would stay approximately the same.

It's important to note that the event of the Sun shrinking to the size of a black hole without losing mass is purely hypothetical and does not occur in reality.

If the Sun were to suddenly shrink to the size of a black hole without losing any mass, it would have a dramatic effect on Earth's orbit. Currently, Earth orbits the Sun due to the gravitational attraction between the two. But if the Sun were to become a black hole, its mass would be concentrated into a singularity, significantly reducing its size.

However, it's important to note that the transformation of the Sun into a black hole without losing any mass is not possible according to our current understanding of astrophysics. Black holes are formed by the collapse of massive stars, and during this process, a significant amount of mass is lost in the form of energy.

That being said, if, hypothetically, the Sun did become a black hole without any change in mass, Earth's orbit would remain mostly unaffected. The reason for this is that Earth's orbit depends only on the mass of the central object (currently the Sun) and the distance between Earth and the Sun.

The mass of the Sun would remain the same, even if it became a black hole. Since Earth's distance from the Sun would also remain the same, the gravitational force acting on Earth would be unchanged. Therefore, Earth's orbit around the black hole Sun would remain stable, as long as its mass remained constant.

However, it is important to understand that black holes have a strong gravitational pull. If the Sun were to become a black hole, its gravitational pull in the vicinity of the black hole would increase significantly. This could have other effects on nearby objects, such as altering the orbits of other planets or affecting the stability of other celestial bodies in our solar system.