A plan for a playground is a square shape witha perimeter of 32 units. What would be the area of this playground in square units? Explain how you get the answer using pictures, numbers, or words

P = 4 * s

32 / 4 = 8 units on each side

A = s * s

A = 8 * 8

A = 64 square units

dear judy,

When you are finding the perimeter of any shape and it doesn't give you the measure like inches, then always put units. When you are finding the area of any figure and it doesn't give you the measures like inches, then use square units.

In this case the answer would be
32/4= 8

the answer is 64 square units

Adding to my answer, if you are finding the area of any figure, even if it gives you the measure like inches, always put square before the measure.

13 square inches
145 square cm.

To find the area of the playground, we need to know the dimensions of the square. Given that the perimeter of the square is 32 units, we can divide it by 4 since a square has all sides equal in length.

Perimeter = 4 * side length

32 = 4 * side length

Dividing both sides of the equation by 4, we get:

Side length = 32 / 4

Side length = 8 units

Now, we have the length of a side of our square, which is 8 units. To find the area, we can multiply the length of one side by itself since all sides of a square are equal.

Area = side length * side length

Area = 8 * 8

Area = 64 square units

Therefore, the area of the playground is 64 square units.