A room has large windows without curtains. The sunlight makes the room bright, but no one can see in. Is the glass opaque, translucent, or transparent?


To determine whether the glass is opaque, translucent, or transparent, we need to understand the properties of each. Here's how you can determine the answer:

1. Opaque: If the glass is opaque, it means that no light can pass through it, and it completely blocks the passage of light.

2. Translucent: If the glass is translucent, it allows light to pass through it, but it scatters or diffuses the light, making objects on the other side appear blurry or indistinct.

3. Transparent: If the glass is transparent, it allows light to pass through it without scattering, so objects on the other side are clearly visible.

Now, let's analyze the situation in question. You mentioned that the sunlight makes the room bright, indicating that light is passing through the glass. Additionally, you mentioned that no one can see in, suggesting that objects on the other side of the glass are not blurry or indistinct but rather clearly visible.

Based on this information, it can be inferred that the glass is transparent. It allows light to pass through without scattering and allows for clear visibility of objects on both sides.