Approximate the sum of the series correct to four decimal places.

n=1 to infinity

Well, well, well, we've got ourselves a series! Now, this series looks a bit tricky, but don't worry, I'm here to bring some laughter and approximation skills!

To approximate the sum of this series, we need to break it down and take it step by step.

Let's start with the numerator, (-1)^n. This little guy alternates between 1 and -1 as n increases. Talk about mood swings!

Now, let's move on to the denominator. We've got 4^n * n!. The 4^n part increases rapidly with each n, while the n! (n factorial) also zooms upwards at an even quicker pace. It's like a race between a turtle and a cheetah!

To get an approximation, let's consider the ratio of consecutive terms in this series. We can use the ratio test to determine whether the series converges or diverges.

Taking the absolute value of the ratio of consecutive terms, we get:

|(n+1)! * (-1)^(n+1) * 4^n| / |n! * (-1)^n * 4^(n+1)|

Simplifying that, we find that our ratio becomes:

|(n+1)| / 4

As n goes to infinity, this ratio gets closer and closer to zero. Well, well, well, it looks like our series converges!

Since our series converges, we can attempt to approximate its sum. However, finding an exact sum might be a bit challenging. Instead, let's break out our trusty friend, the calculator!

By plugging in some values of n, such as n = 1, 2, 3, and 4, we can see that the terms of the series are rapidly decreasing in magnitude. This hints that the sum will be a relatively small number.

Now, let's make our grand estimation! Drumroll, please...

*pauses for dramatic effect*

Approximately, the sum of this series (correct to four decimal places) is:


Please keep in mind that this is just a close approximation, as finding an exact sum may prove to be trickier than teaching a goldfish to bark!

Laugh on and happy approximating!

To approximate the sum of the series ε = ∑((-1)^n / 4^n * n!) from n = 1 to infinity, you can use a technique called the Ratio Test.

According to the Ratio Test, if the limit of the absolute value of (a_(n+1) / a_n) as n approaches infinity is less than 1, then the series converges.

Let's apply the Ratio Test to our series:

Step 1: Compute a_(n+1).
a_(n+1) = (-1)^(n+1) / 4^(n+1) * (n+1)!

Step 2: Calculate the absolute value of the ratio of a_(n+1) to a_n.
|r| = |a_(n+1) / a_n| = |((-1)^(n+1) / 4^(n+1) * (n+1)!) / ((-1)^n / 4^n * n!)|
|r| = |((-1)^(n+1) * n!) / ((-1)^n * (n+1) * 4)|
|r| = |(-1) * n! / (n+1) * 4|

Step 3: Simplify the expression.
|r| = |(-1 * n!) / (n+1) * 4|
|r| = |-n! / (n+1) * 4|

Step 4: Take the limit as n approaches infinity.
lim(n→∞) |-n! / (n+1) * 4| = lim(n→∞) (n! / (n+1) * 4)

We can apply Stirling's Approximation to the factorial: n! ≈ √(2πn)(n / e)^n.

lim(n→∞) (n! / (n+1) * 4) = lim(n→∞) ((√(2πn)(n / e)^n) / (n+1) * 4)
= lim(n→∞) (4 / (n+1))

Step 5: Calculate the limit.
lim(n→∞) (4 / (n+1)) = 0

Since the limit of |r| as n approaches infinity is 0, which is less than 1, we can conclude that the series converges.

Hence, the sum of the series is approximately equal to ε ≈ 0.

To approximate the sum of the series to four decimal places, we will use a numerical method called a partial sum.

The given series is:
∑[n=1 to ∞] (-1)^n / (4^n * n!)

First, we'll evaluate the first few terms of the series to get an idea of its behavior.

When n=1: (-1)^1 / (4^1 * 1!) = -1/4.
When n=2: (-1)^2 / (4^2 * 2!) = 1/32.
When n=3: (-1)^3 / (4^3 * 3!) = -1/384.

We can see that the signs alternate and the terms become progressively smaller as n increases.

To calculate the partial sum, we add up terms of the series until their absolute value becomes very small or negligible. In this case, we'll stop adding terms when their absolute value drops below a certain threshold; say, 0.0001.

Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Initialize the partial sum to 0.
Step 2: Set n = 1.
Step 3: Calculate the nth term: (-1)^n / (4^n * n!).
Step 4: Add the nth term to the partial sum.
Step 5: Increment n by 1.
Step 6: Check if the absolute value of the nth term is less than 0.0001. If yes, stop; otherwise, go to Step 3.
Step 7: Round the partial sum to four decimal places.

Let's calculate the partial sum using this process until the nth term drops below 0.0001.

Partial sum (S) = 0
n = 1
nth term = (-1)^1 / (4^1 * 1!) = -1/4
S = S + (-1/4) = -1/4

n = 2
nth term = (-1)^2 / (4^2 * 2!) = 1/32
S = S + (1/32) = -1/4 + 1/32 = -7/32

n = 3
nth term = (-1)^3 / (4^3 * 3!) = -1/384
S = S + (-1/384) = -7/32 - 1/384 = -27/384 = -9/128

n = 4
nth term = (-1)^4 / (4^4 * 4!) = 1/2048
S = S + (1/2048) = -9/128 + 1/2048 = -461/65536

Since the absolute value of the nth term is already less than 0.0001, we can stop here.

Rounded to four decimal places, the sum of the given series is approximately -0.0070.

If you notice that the Taylor's series expansion of

e^(-x/4) =
is exactly the given series less the first term with x=1,
the given series is
e^(-1/4)-1 = -0.2212 to four places.

If you sum term by term, you just need to sum until the next term falls below 0.00001, which is around the 5th term.