What does a 12 sided polygon look like????

A dodecagon is the term for a regular 12 sided polygon with equivalent angles and side lengths.

Looks like most the other regular 2D polygons.
If its irregular.. use your imagination


A 12-sided polygon is called a dodecagon. It is a geometric shape that has 12 straight sides and 12 angles. To visualize what a dodecagon looks like, imagine a regular polygon with 12 equal sides and 12 equal angles. Each angle of a regular dodecagon measures 150 degrees, and all of its sides are of the same length.

To draw a dodecagon, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Begin by drawing a straight line segment of your desired length. This will be one of the sides of the dodecagon.

Step 2: With a compass, measure the length of your initial line segment and set the compass to this length.

Step 3: Keeping the compass legs at the endpoints of the line segment, draw an arc that intersects the line segment on both ends. This defines the second side of the dodecagon.

Step 4: Without changing the compass width, place the compass leg on one of the intersections just created, and draw another arc intersecting the first arc.

Step 5: Repeat this process by placing the compass leg on the newly formed intersection and drawing the next arc. Continue this until you have drawn all 12 arcs.

Step 6: Connect the outermost points where the arcs intersect to complete the dodecagon.

Remember, for a regular dodecagon, all sides will be of equal length, and all angles will be equal.