PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to know how many free states there were in 1860 19 or 18.One website says 18 while the other says 19. It would help me a lot if you name the slave states too or give me a good reference. One website said there were 15 slave states but i only found 12. Please and THANK YOU.

SOMEONE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you name the free slave states


I need answers for Unit 8 social studies Unit test connections academy by this thursday please give true answers. :)

I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with conflicting information. Let's try to clarify the number of free and slave states in 1860.

In order to determine the number of free and slave states in 1860, we can look at historical records or references. One widely used reference for this topic is the United States Census Bureau.

According to the United States Census Bureau, in 1860, there were 33 states in total. Of these 33 states, 15 were designated as slave states, while the remaining 18 were free states. However, it's important to note that this count could vary slightly depending on the specific historical source you consult.

The 15 slave states in 1860 were:

1. Delaware
2. Maryland
3. Virginia
4. North Carolina
5. South Carolina
6. Georgia
7. Florida
8. Alabama
9. Mississippi
10. Louisiana
11. Texas
12. Arkansas
13. Tennessee
14. Kentucky
15. Missouri

For a reliable reference on this topic, I would suggest consulting reputable history books, encyclopedias, or official government websites. These sources are generally more reliable and can provide accurate information for your homework.

If you're still struggling to find consistent information, I would recommend reaching out to a teacher, librarian, or other academic resources for further assistance. They might be able to provide you with additional guidance or access to reliable sources.

Remember, it's essential to verify information from multiple credible sources to ensure accuracy in your homework. Good luck!