16. Coaches advise athletes to warm up or exercise a few minutes before beginning a sports activity. Explain why warming up is important.

My Answer - Warming up helps reduce our risk of injury and the aches and pains that come with exercise. It also prepares your muscles for stretching.

am i correct???? and is it good????

Your answer looks good to me.


Thank You! :)

You're welcome.

Yes, your answer is correct! Warming up is indeed important before engaging in physical activity. It serves several purposes that help optimize performance and reduce the risk of injury.

When we warm up, our body temperature increases, which leads to increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to our muscles. This, in turn, helps to improve muscle flexibility and joint mobility. This is important because warm muscles stretch more easily and are less likely to be strained or torn during exercise.

Additionally, warming up increases our heart rate gradually, allowing our cardiovascular system to adjust to the demands of exercise. This helps to improve blood flow and oxygen supply to our working muscles, enhancing overall performance.

Furthermore, warming up also mentally prepares us for the activity ahead. It allows us to transition from a state of rest to a state of exercise, preparing our mind and body for the upcoming physical demands.

So, by warming up prior to sports or exercise, we can minimize the risk of muscle strains, joint injuries, and other types of injuries. It also helps reduce muscle soreness, as warming up prepares our muscles for the activity and minimizes the stress they experience during exercise.

Overall, including a warm-up routine before physical activity is highly beneficial and is considered a good practice to optimize performance and reduce the risk of injury.