The new morals and manners of the 1920s were reflected in

A. women's fashion
B. the great migration
C. the new factory jobs
D. Politics

Americans responded to the Selective Service Act

A. with enthusiasm
B. with antiwar riots
C. by refusing to register
D. by becoming conscientious objectors

How did life change for American women in the 1920s?

A. Many women felt freer to experiment with bolder styles and manners

B. Married women found it much easier to balance careers and family life

C. Most women grew long hair and stopped using makeup

D. Women began to dominate the work force, often taking leadership positions

The Farmer's Alliance

A. lobbied for a graduated income tax

B. aggressively lobbied against the insurance

C. supported private ownership of the railroads

D. opposed the populist party

... and your answers are ... ??

A,B, A & D

I agree with your first and third answers. For number 2, I don't know which selective service act you mean. The last one is wrong.

Ok well thank you Ms. Sue

To answer the first question regarding the reflection of morals and manners of the 1920s, one can look into the social and cultural changes of that time period. A quick search on the internet or a visit to the library would provide information on the new morals and manners of the 1920s. Women's fashion, for example, reflected a more liberated and daring attitude with the popularization of shorter skirts and bobbed hairstyles. Therefore, the answer to this question would be A. women's fashion.

Moving on to the second question about the American response to the Selective Service Act, one can gather information by researching the historical events surrounding the act. Online resources or history textbooks would provide details about how Americans reacted to the act. In this case, the correct answer is subjective and depends on the specific historical context. However, by researching further, one could find information regarding instances of enthusiasm, antiwar riots, refusal to register, or conscientious objection related to the Selective Service Act.

For the third question regarding the changes in life for American women in the 1920s, one can again research the historical context of the time period. By examining primary sources, articles, books, or documentaries on women's history in the 1920s, one can ascertain the changes that occurred. Information regarding the freedom to experiment with bolder styles and manners, advancements in balancing careers and family life, changes in hairstyle and makeup trends, and women's involvement in the workforce can be found to answer the question. The correct answer to this question is A. Many women felt freer to experiment with bolder styles and manners.

Finally, for the question about the Farmer's Alliance, one can research the goals, actions, and positions taken by this organization during the 19th century. By consulting historical resources or reference materials on the populist movement and farmer activism, one can gather information on the Farmer's Alliance. By understanding the key issues and agendas supported by this organization, one can appropriately answer the question. In this case, the correct answer is A. lobbied for a graduated income tax.