It takes a cup of flour to make 100 cookies. How many cups of flour will it take to make 225 cookies?

1/100 = x/225 Would it be like this?

1 / 100 = x / 225

1 * 225 = x * 100

225 = 100 x Divide both sides by 100

225 / 100 = x

x = 2.25

Or simply :

225 / 100 = 2.25

Yes, you're on the right track! To determine the number of cups of flour needed to make 225 cookies, you can set up a proportion equation using the relationship between the number of cookies and the amount of flour.

The proportion equation can be set up as follows:

1/100 = x/225

Here, x represents the number of cups of flour needed to make 225 cookies.

To solve this equation for x, you can cross-multiply and then solve for x.

Cross-multiplying gives:

225 * 1 = 100 * x

225 = 100x

To isolate x, you can divide both sides of the equation by 100:

225/100 = x

2.25 = x

So, it will take approximately 2.25 cups of flour to make 225 cookies.