Find the period for the following situations:

a) a soccer team scores 3 goals in 90 minutes

b) a pendulum swings 30 times in 20 seconds

c) a jackhammer strikes the ground 200 times in one minute

a) f =3/90•60=5.56•10^-4 s^-1.

b) f = 30/20 = 1.5 s^-1.
c) f = 200/60 = 20/300 =3.33 s^-1

so would

A) fgnq3o;4y96983pgdisp8y8t475-65;7-9

B) gqfg-r;r-7[9=]7=y63640687kh

c) jhgwg-906490-19384658302((*&^%$#@


What is this ??????????????

I asked to figure the Period out of those numbers. :P


T1 = 1/5.56•10^-4 = 1799 s.
T2= 1/1.5 = 0.667 s.
T3 = 1/3.33 = 0.3 s

To find the period for each situation, we need to determine the time it takes for one complete cycle or repetition.

a) For the soccer team scoring goals, we are given that they score 3 goals in 90 minutes. To find the period, divide the total time by the number of cycles (goals). So, the period would be 90 minutes divided by 3 goals, which gives a period of 30 minutes per goal.

b) For the pendulum swinging, we are given that it swings 30 times in 20 seconds. Again, we divide the total time by the number of cycles (swings) to find the period. Thus, the period would be 20 seconds divided by 30 swings, which gives a period of 0.67 seconds per swing.

c) Lastly, for the jackhammer striking the ground, we are told it strikes 200 times in one minute. To find the period, divide the total time by the number of cycles (strikes). Hence, the period would be 1 minute divided by 200 strikes, which gives a period of 0.005 minutes (or 0.3 seconds) per strike.