Making use of the following terms, write a fictitious medical report of about two paragraphs describing a dermatologic condition or disease. Focus the report on the onset, progression, location, and etiology of the condition or disease, and the treatment parameters.

All terms must be defined in this report.

17.Decubitus ulcer

I need the medical report written out,I don't know how to write it..

First, make sure you know the meanings of all of the words.

Then write a fiction story, following the assigned outline -- onset, progression, etc.

Medical Report: Dermatologic Condition - Pruritic Macular Erythema

Patient Name: Jane Doe
Age: 42
Gender: Female

Chief complaint: Patient presents with persistent itching and redness on her lower legs.

History of present illness: Mrs. Doe reports that she first noticed the onset of this condition approximately three weeks ago. The condition started as mild erythematous macules, which progressed to papular lesions over time. The lesions are located predominantly on both lower legs and ankles. The patient reports experiencing intense itching (pruritus), particularly at night. No significant trauma or injury preceded the appearance of the symptoms.

Upon examination, there are numerous macules with surrounding erythema, petechiae, and ecchymosis on both lower legs. There are also scattered papules and wheals. The epidermis appears intact, with no evidence of ulcers or abscesses present. The patient denies any recent exposure to known allergens or irritants. Personal hygiene practices and sharing of personal items are within normal limits. The patient has no history of pediculosis or exposure to parasiticides.

Etiology and Diagnosis: Based on the clinical findings, the most probable diagnosis is Pruritic Macular Erythema. It is suspected to be caused by an allergic or inflammatory reaction, possibly triggered by an unknown environmental or systemic factor. A biopsy will be performed to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other potential causes.

Treatment Plan: The treatment for Pruritic Macular Erythema primarily focuses on providing relief from pruritus and promoting healing of the skin. The patient will be prescribed antihistamines to alleviate itching and reduce inflammation. In addition, keratolytics will be used to promote exfoliation and reduce the severity of papular lesions. Topical corticosteroids may also be considered for their anti-inflammatory properties. Cryosurgery may be performed if the lesions do not respond to initial treatments.

Follow-up: The patient will be scheduled for a follow-up appointment in two weeks to assess treatment response and adjust the management plan accordingly.

Note: This report is a fictional representation and does not reflect any specific medical case. It is solely created to demonstrate the use of the provided terms in a medical context.