Explain how an animal that persists on a diet composed of 90% protein, 7% fat, and 3% carbohydrate utilizes food of this composition to maintain itself and grow

To understand how an animal with a diet composed of 90% protein, 7% fat, and 3% carbohydrate utilizes food to maintain itself and grow, we need to explore the process of digestion and metabolism.

1. Digestion: When the animal consumes food, it goes through a process called digestion. In the digestive system, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are broken down into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the body.

- Proteins: Proteins are broken down into amino acids in the stomach and small intestine by enzymes called proteases.
- Fats: Fats are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol by enzymes called lipases. This process mainly occurs in the small intestine.
- Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars like glucose by enzymes called amylases. This process starts in the mouth and continues in the small intestine.

2. Absorption: After digestion, the smaller molecules are absorbed by the body and transported to where they are needed.

- Amino acids: Once proteins are broken down into amino acids, they are absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the small intestine. These amino acids can be used for various purposes like building new proteins, repairing tissues, and supporting metabolic functions.
- Fatty acids and glycerol: After fats are broken down, they are also absorbed into the bloodstream through the small intestine walls. Fatty acids can be used for energy production, stored as fat for later use, or utilized for building cell membranes and producing hormones.
- Glucose: Simple sugars like glucose are also absorbed into the bloodstream. Glucose is a primary source of energy for most cells in the body.

3. Utilization of nutrients:

- Protein utilization: A diet high in protein allows the body to use amino acids for growth and maintenance. Amino acids are crucial for building and repairing tissues, including muscles, organs, skin, and hair. They are also involved in enzymatic reactions, hormone production, and the immune system.
- Fat utilization: Fats provide a concentrated source of energy. They are metabolized through a process called beta-oxidation, producing ATP (energy currency of the body). Fats also contribute to the structure and function of cell membranes and play a role in hormone production.
- Carbohydrate utilization: While the diet you mentioned is primarily protein-focused, carbohydrates still play a role in providing energy. Glucose derived from carbohydrates can be used immediately for energy or stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen for future use. Carbohydrates also spare protein, meaning they can be used as an energy source, reducing the need for proteins to be broken down for fuel.

In conclusion, an animal with a diet consisting of 90% protein, 7% fat, and 3% carbohydrate utilizes these nutrients by breaking them down through digestion, absorbing the smaller molecules, and utilizing them for energy production, growth, and tissue maintenance. Proteins are essential for building and repairing tissues, fats provide energy and contribute to cell function, and carbohydrates serve as a source of immediate and stored energy.