Estimate 39,439 - 28,744 by first rounding each number to the nearest thousand.

If the number to the left is < 5, just round, if 5 or greater round up one.

24 rounded to nearest ten = 20

25 rounded to nearest ten = 30

To estimate the subtraction of 39,439 and 28,744 by rounding each number to the nearest thousand, follow these steps:

Step 1: Round 39,439 to the nearest thousand.
The thousands place in 39,439 is 9, so we need to examine the hundreds place (3) to determine if the number should be rounded up or down. Since 3 is less than 5, we round down.

Therefore, 39,439 rounded to the nearest thousand becomes 39,000.

Step 2: Round 28,744 to the nearest thousand.
The thousands place in 28,744 is 8, so we need to examine the hundreds place (7) to determine if the number should be rounded up or down. Since 7 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up.

Therefore, 28,744 rounded to the nearest thousand becomes 29,000.

Step 3: Subtract the rounded numbers.
Now that we have rounded 39,439 to 39,000 and 28,744 to 29,000, we can subtract them.

39,000 - 29,000 = 10,000.

Therefore, the estimated difference of 39,439 - 28,744, by rounding each number to the nearest thousand, is approximately 10,000.