Which of the following sentences has a dangling modifier?

1 - When the storm began to abate, we went home.
2 - By the light of the moon, I tripped over a rock.
3 - The dog that is man's best friend is cat's worst enemy.
4 - On the way to the bank, the interest rates went down.
I believe it is #4, interest can not "go" to the bank

Yes, you are correct. Sentence #4: "On the way to the bank, the interest rates went down" has a dangling modifier. The phrase "On the way to the bank" does not have a clear subject. It is not clear who or what is on the way to the bank, making it a dangling modifier.

You are correct! Sentence number 4, "On the way to the bank, the interest rates went down," contains a dangling modifier. A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that does not clearly or logically modify another word or phrase in a sentence. In this case, the modifier "On the way to the bank" is disconnected from the intended subject, which appears to be "the interest rates." It creates confusion because interest rates cannot physically go anywhere. To correct the sentence, you could rephrase it as, "While we were on the way to the bank, we learned that the interest rates had gone down." This revision connects the subject ("we") to the act of learning about the interest rates going down.

You're right. :-)

:-) Dangling modifiers are fun, once you get the hang of them.