marty has saved $72. He spent $8 on a video rental. write a ratio as a fraction in simplest form to srpresent what portion of his savings he has left

To find the ratio of what portion of his savings Marty has left, we need to subtract the amount he spent from his total savings and then express it as a fraction in simplest form.

Marty's savings: $72
Amount spent: $8

To find what portion of his saving he has left, we subtract the amount spent from his total savings:
$72 - $8 = $64

Now, let's express this difference as a fraction in simplest form:
The portion of his savings remaining is $64.

To represent this as a ratio, we can write it as:

To simplify this fraction to its simplest form, we can divide both the numerator (64) and the denominator (72) by their greatest common divisor, which is 8:
64/72 = (64 ÷ 8) / (72 ÷ 8) = 8/9

Therefore, the ratio of what portion of his savings Marty has left is 8/9.

(72-8)/72 = ?