From what Greek philosopher did Abbot Suger draw inspiration?


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well i think its pythagoros or socrates but im not sure.


To determine from what Greek philosopher Abbot Suger drew inspiration, we can analyze the information provided. Abbot Suger was a French statesman, historian, and patron of the arts who lived from 1081 to 1151.

To find the answer, it would be helpful to consider the context and time period in which Abbot Suger lived. During the Middle Ages, there was a resurgence of interest in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy and culture. Greek philosophy had a significant influence on thinkers during this time, particularly through the translations of Arabic and Byzantine scholars.

Out of the Greek philosophers mentioned, three are well-known figures: Aristotle, Socrates, and Pythagoras. Pseudo-Dionysius, however, is not a Greek philosopher but rather a Christian theologian associated with the writings attributed to Dionysius the Areopagite.

While all of these philosophers had an impact on medieval thought in various ways, the philosopher who had the most direct influence on Abbot Suger was Pseudo-Dionysius. The writings attributed to Pseudo-Dionysius were canonized and used extensively throughout the medieval period, including by Abbot Suger. Therefore, the correct answer is Pseudo-Dionysius.

In summary, Abbot Suger drew inspiration from Pseudo-Dionysius, a Christian theologian associated with the writings attributed to Dionysius the Areopagite, rather than a Greek philosopher like Aristotle, Socrates, or Pythagoras.