someone who focuses narrowly on negative events for long periods of a time has.

A-negative attitude.
B-depressive manner.
C-negative focus.
D-depressive ruminative style.


The correct answer is D - depressive ruminative style.

To arrive at this answer, let's break down each option and analyze them:

A - Negative attitude: This option refers to someone having a generally negative outlook or disposition. While it may be true that a person with a negative attitude might focus on negative events, the term "narrowly" in the question indicates a repetitive, prolonged fixation rather than a general disposition.

B - Depressive manner: This option suggests that the person's behavior or mannerisms are indicative of depression. While depression may cause negative thinking, it doesn't specifically address the narrow focus on negative events.

C - Negative focus: This option acknowledges the focus on negative events, but it doesn't capture the aspect of prolonged fixation or behavior associated with the question.

D - Depressive ruminative style: This option encompasses all the elements described in the question. "Depressive" indicates a connection to the symptoms of depression, such as persistent sadness or lack of interest, which can cause rumination. "Ruminative" refers to the tendency to repetitively and excessively dwell on negative thoughts or events. Therefore, this option best reflects the situation described in the question.

Remember, when answering multiple-choice questions, it's essential to carefully consider the meaning of each option in relation to the question's specific details.
