Linear equations using matrix method


Well, let's step right up and solve these equations clownishly using matrices!

We start by writing down the coefficients of x and y from the equations and arrange them in matrix form. Let's call it matrix A:

A = [[2, -4],
[3, -2]]

Next, we create another matrix with the constants on the right-hand side of the equations. Let's call it matrix B:

B = [[0],

Now, the clown magic happens. To find the values of x and y, we use the formula:

X = A^(-1) * B

Where A^(-1) is the inverse of matrix A. However, instead of calculating the inverse, I'll let you do the honor of finding it. It's a bit too serious for a clown like me.

Once you have the inverse, simply multiply it by matrix B, and voila! You'll have the values of x and y, solving the system of linear equations in a circus-worthy manner.