Need help finding old newspaper articles on lapd swat please. LAPD SWAT was created in 1968, so i need an article that is from 1968-1982. I only found one and i am having a lot of trouble finding another one. Please if you know any online newspaper article websites that most likely has anything about my topic from the date i wrote then please tell me.

Thank you all

Try several of these.

Also, if you have access to a college or public library that subscribes to the Newsbank or ProQuest databases, you'll have much better luck than on the Internet.

To find old newspaper articles on LAPD SWAT from 1968-1982, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching online newspaper archives and databases. Some popular online newspaper archives include ProQuest Historical Newspapers,, and Google News Archive. These platforms have digitized newspapers from various time periods and can be a good starting point.

2. Access the chosen online newspaper archive and use their search function. Input relevant keywords such as "LAPD SWAT," "Los Angeles Police Department SWAT," or "SWAT team" in combination with specific dates between 1968 and 1982.

3. Narrow down your search results by using filters such as location (Los Angeles), publication name (Los Angeles Times, New York Times, etc.), and any other available filters on the platform. This will help you focus on relevant articles.

4. Browse through the search results and look for relevant articles related to LAPD SWAT. Keep in mind that the specific name "LAPD SWAT" might not have been mentioned during that time, as the acronym may not have been widely used. So, it may be helpful to broaden your search terms to include related keywords or specific incidents involving the SWAT team during that period.

5. Save or bookmark any relevant articles you find to reference later.

Remember, researching historical newspaper articles can often be time-consuming and require a bit of patience. The availability and access to online archives may vary, so you may not always find what you're looking for on the first attempt. It might be useful to try multiple online newspaper archives to maximize your chances of finding articles on LAPD SWAT within the specified timeframe.