can someone describe the alliances germany had during World War 1?.. and what would happen if these alliances were broken?

If any of these alliances had been broken before 1914, WWI might not have happened.

well i know that, obviously. but what other conflicts would it have caused??

Sure! During World War 1, Germany was part of the Central Powers alliance along with Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and later Bulgaria. These countries formed an alliance based on mutual defense and cooperation.

To find more detailed information about the alliances Germany had during World War 1, you can start by doing a quick search using reliable sources such as history books, academic articles, or trusted websites. Official government documents from that time period can also provide valuable insights.

If these alliances were broken during World War 1, it would have had significant implications. Firstly, Germany would have lost the support and cooperation of its allies, which could have weakened its military and diplomatic position. Furthermore, a broken alliance might have led to conflicts and potentially even a shift in alliances with other nations.

It's important to note that the consequences of broken alliances during war can be complex and depend on various factors such as military strength, political strategy, and the actions of other involved nations. To get a more comprehensive understanding, you can delve deeper into historical accounts and analysis of World War 1.