Which of the following as a result of the Crusades ?

A.permanent conquests of the Holy Land by Christians
B.religious tolerance in Western Europe
C.increased trade in Western Europe
D.the reunification of the Roman and Byzantine churches
My answer is C ?


im 9 years ahead of you

Me too ha

To determine the correct answer among the choices, we need to evaluate each option and see which one is most closely associated with the Crusades.

A. Permanent conquests of the Holy Land by Christians: This choice suggests that the Crusades resulted in Christians acquiring and retaining control over the Holy Land. However, this statement is not true because the Crusaders' hold on the Holy Land was temporary, and Muslim forces eventually reclaimed much of the territory.

B. Religious tolerance in Western Europe: The Crusades were not known for promoting religious tolerance. In fact, they were religiously motivated wars primarily fought between Christians and Muslims, resulting in heightened religious tensions rather than tolerance.

C. Increased trade in Western Europe: This choice is correct. One significant consequence of the Crusades was the establishment of new trade routes between Europe and the Middle East. These routes facilitated the exchange of goods and ideas, leading to a significant boost in trade and economic growth in Western Europe.

D. The reunification of the Roman and Byzantine churches: The Crusades did not bring about the reunification of the Roman and Byzantine churches. The Western and Eastern Christian churches remained divided, and the Crusades did not directly contribute to their reunion.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. The Crusades led to increased trade in Western Europe.