Which formula should you use to estimate 78x33?

What are your choices?

80 * 30

To estimate 78 x 33, you can use the multiplication shortcut known as the "near doubling" method. This method involves multiplying one of the numbers by 2 and then adjusting the result accordingly. Here's how to use this method:

Step 1: Choose one of the numbers to double. In this case, let's double 33.

Step 2: Double the chosen number. 33 doubled is 66.

Step 3: Adjust the result based on the difference between the numbers. In this case, the difference between 78 and 33 is 45.

Step 4: Add the difference to the doubled number. 66 + 45 = 111.

So, the estimate for 78 x 33 using the near doubling method is approximately 111.