I need help. I have to pick a song to sing and it has to match with my voice. So far I narrowed it down to Cheatercheaterbestfriendeater by NevershoutNever, My Everything by My Genuine Find, Your Biggest Fan by NeverShoutNever, and Always You by My Genuine find.

Without hearing your voice, how can we accurately advise you?

You should do Domino by Jessie Jay. It's an AWESOME song!!!

Choosing a song that matches your voice is an important step in singing, as it allows you to showcase your vocal range and style effectively. Here are a few steps to help you make your decision:

1. Start by understanding your vocal range: Determine the highest and lowest notes you can comfortably sing. This will help you identify songs that fall within your vocal range without straining your voice.

2. Consider your vocal style: Think about the tone and style of your voice. Are you more comfortable singing in a pop, rock, or indie style? This will help you narrow down your song choices. Listen to different genres and artists to find inspiration.

3. Analyze the songs you have narrowed down: Take the time to listen to each of the songs you mentioned – "Cheatercheaterbestfriendeater" by NevershoutNever, "My Everything" by My Genuine Find, "Your Biggest Fan" by NeverShoutNever, and "Always You" by My Genuine Find. Pay attention to the vocal range, dynamics, and overall feel of each song.

4. Sing along and try them out: Once you have analyzed the songs, sing along with each one. Pay attention to how comfortable you feel singing the melody, hitting the notes, and conveying the emotions of the song. This will help you determine if the song suits your voice.

5. Seek feedback: Record yourself singing each song and ask for feedback from people you trust, such as family, friends, or a vocal coach. They can provide valuable insights on how each song showcases your voice and if it suits you well.

Remember, ultimately you should choose a song that you connect with and enjoy singing. Trust your instincts and choose a song that allows you to shine and highlight your unique voice.