Each day Danny prepares pies for dessert.He slices each pie into 8 servings.If Danny bakes 9 pies and 54 customers order a slice,how many slices will be left?


Many customers phone in their lunch orders to the diner.On both Monday and Tuesday 39 people phoned their lunch orders.Twenty-one customers phoned in their orders on Wednesday,and 26 phoned in their orders on Thursday.If 157 total orders were phoned in Mon through Fri,how many orders were phoned on Friday?

Both are correct.

To solve the first question:

1. Determine the total number of slices in the pies Danny bakes by multiplying the number of pies (9) by the number of servings per pie (8): 9 pies x 8 servings/pie = 72 slices.
2. Subtract the number of slices ordered by customers (54) from the total number of slices (72): 72 slices - 54 slices = 18 slices left.

Therefore, there will be 18 slices left.

To solve the second question:

1. Add up the number of orders placed on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 39 orders + 39 orders + 21 orders + 26 orders = 125 orders.
2. Subtract the total number of orders (125) from the total orders phone in from Monday through Friday (157): 157 orders - 125 orders = 32 orders on Friday.

Therefore, there were 32 orders phoned in on Friday.