Some say love, it is a river that drowns the tender reed.

What do you think this means?

I think it's describing a tender heart when in love and that it can be drown by betrayal

Sometimes "love" gets the better of a person who then behaves in uncharacteristic ways. It takes a strong person to remain stable while "in love."

What do you think?

Some say love, it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed.

What does this one mean?

The quote you mentioned is a line from the song "The Rose" written by Amanda McBroom and made popular by Bette Midler. It is a metaphorical expression that compares love to a river that has the power to overwhelm and overpower fragile things like a tender reed, which represents vulnerability.

Interpreting the meaning of this line can vary depending on personal perspective and experiences. However, one possible interpretation is that love can be a powerful force that can emotionally overwhelm and consume individuals, particularly those who are delicate or sensitive. The use of a river as a metaphor emphasizes the strength and intensity of love, suggesting that it can be both nurturing and destructive at the same time.

If you are seeking a deeper understanding or different interpretations, I suggest exploring the full context of the song and the lyrics, as well as discussing it with others to gain various perspectives and insights.