Water is leaking from a pipe at a constant rate of 1/2 cup every 10 minutes. At this rate, how many gallons of water will leak from the pipe in 1 week? (16 cups = 1 gallon)

1/2 cup/10 min. = 3 cups/hour

24 * 7 = 168 hours/week

168 * 3 = 504 cups per week

Can you the if from here?

To find out how many gallons of water will leak from the pipe in 1 week, we need to determine the total amount of water leaked over that time period.

Given that the pipe is leaking at a constant rate of 1/2 cup every 10 minutes, we can calculate the amount of water leaked per minute.

First, let's find out how many minutes are in 1 week. There are 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day, so there are 60 x 24 = 1440 minutes in a day.

Next, we multiply the minutes in a day by the number of days in a week. There are 7 days in a week, so 1440 minutes x 7 days = 10080 minutes in 1 week.

Now, we can determine the amount of water leaked per minute. We divide the amount of water leaked in 10 minutes (1/2 cup) by 10 to find the amount leaked per minute. 1/2 cup / 10 minutes = 1/20 cup per minute.

To convert this into gallons, we need to know that 16 cups equal 1 gallon. So, 1/20 cup is equivalent to (1/20) * (1/16) = 1/320 of a gallon.

Finally, we multiply the amount of water leaked per minute (1/320 gallon) by the total number of minutes in 1 week (10080 minutes). (1/320 gallon/minute) * (10080 minutes) = (10080/320) gallon = 31.5 gallons

Therefore, in 1 week, approximately 31.5 gallons of water will leak from the pipe.