a bus takes 12 hours to travel the same distance that an airplane travels in 1.5 hours. the average speed of the airplane ia 120 km per hour faster than five times the average speed of the bus. what is the average speed of the bus? let x represent the speed of the bus

speed of bus = x
distancd traveled by bus = x*12 hrs.

speed of plane = 120+5x
distance traveled by plane = (120+5x)*1.5 hrs.

They both travel the same distance so set them equal to each other.
12x = (120+5x)*1.5
Solve for x, the speed of the bus. Post your work if you get stuck.


To solve the equation, we can start by simplifying it.

12x = (120 + 5x) * 1.5

First, distribute 1.5 to both terms inside the parentheses:

12x = 180 + 7.5x

Now, let's move all the terms with x to one side of the equation by subtracting 7.5x from both sides:

12x - 7.5x = 180

Combine like terms:

4.5x = 180

Finally, solve for x by dividing both sides by 4.5:

x = 180 / 4.5

x = 40

Therefore, the average speed of the bus is 40 km per hour.