Another term for capitalist system is ..?

My answer: market economy
But at the same time I think it's laissez-faire system!

You are correct that another term for the capitalist system is the market economy. Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private ownership of resources and the means of production, where economic decisions are made based on supply and demand in the market. In a market economy, prices are determined by the interactions of buyers and sellers, and resources are allocated based on market forces.

However, it's important to note that laissez-faire is not another term for capitalism; rather, it refers to a specific approach to economic policy within a capitalist system. Laissez-faire is a French term that means "let do" or "let it be," emphasizing limited government intervention in the economy. In a laissez-faire system, the government takes a hands-off approach, allowing the free market to operate without excessive regulations and restrictions.

So, while both market economy and laissez-faire are concepts associated with capitalism, they are not synonymous. Market economy refers to the economic system itself, while laissez-faire is a particular approach to governing that system.