Round 52.23 (with a repeater over the .23) to five decimal places?




im sure its easy though

How to I round 52.23 to three decimal places

Thx it really helped


i miss one number and i got B that how teacher do?

To round a number with a repeater over a certain decimal place, we follow a set of rounding rules. In this case, we need to round the number 52.23 to five decimal places.

Step 1: Determine the digit in the sixth decimal place. In this case, the digit is 2.

Step 2: Look at the digit to the right of the sixth decimal place (the fifth decimal place). In this case, the digit is 3.

Step 3: If the digit in the fifth decimal place is less than 5, we simply drop all the digits after the fifth decimal place and keep the remaining digits as is. Therefore, the rounded number would be 52.23000.

However, if the digit in the fifth decimal place is 5 or greater, we round up the digit in the sixth decimal place. This means we increase the digit in the sixth decimal place by 1.

So, in this case, since the digit in the fifth decimal place (3) is less than 5, we keep the remaining digits as is, resulting in 52.23000.

ok heyyy