how do you use the substitution method to solve the linear system?


Is the second line supposed to be 7x + y = -8, or 7x - y = -8? You sweem to have inserted a second equal sign by mistake.

Whichever it is, use the second equation to derive an equation for y in terms of x. Then substitute that "y" value into the first equation, and it will be an equation in x only. Solve it.


i don't understand what you mean. could you possibly do an example?

We have this:

How do you use the substitution method to solve the linear system?

-2x - 5y = 7...Equation A

7x - y = -8...Equation B

The idea is to isolate y OR x (your choice) and then plug that into EITHER Equation A or B (your choice).

I will isolate y in Equation B.

7x - y = -8...Equation B

-y = -7x - 8

y = (-7x - 8)/-1

y = 7x + 8

Do you see that we NOW know that y is 7x + 8?

To find x, I will plug 7x + 8 into EITHER Equation A or B.

I will choose Equation A.

-2x-5y = 7...Equation A

-2x - 5(2x + 8) = 7

-2x - 10x - 40 = 7

-12x - 40 = 7

-12x = 7 + 40

-12x = 47

x = 47/-12

x = -47/12...Value for x.

We just found the value of x and it is
-47/12. See it above?

We now plug our value for x into EITHER Equation A or B to find the value of y.

I will choose Equation A again.

-2x -5y = 7...Equation A

-2(-47/12) - 5y = 7

47/6 - 5y = 7

-5y = -47/6 + 7

-5y = -5/6

y = -5/6 divided by -5

y = 1/6

The solution for this system of linear equations in two variables is
x = -47/12 and y = 1/6.

We can also write the solution this way:

(-47/12, 1/6) = (x, y), where x represents -47/12 and y represents 1/6.


whats the answer to -2x-5y=7


To solve a linear system of equations using the substitution method, we follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose one equation to solve for one variable. In this case, let's choose the second equation to solve for y.

From the second equation, we have:
7x + y = -8

Rearranging the equation to isolate y, we subtract 7x from both sides:
y = -8 - 7x

Step 2: Substitute the expression for the solved variable (y) in the other equation(s). In our case, we substitute -8 - 7x for y in the first equation.

The first equation is:
-2x - 5y = 7

Let's substitute -8 - 7x for y:
-2x - 5(-8 - 7x) = 7

Step 3: Simplify and solve the resulting equation to find the value(s) of the remaining variable(s). In our case, we solve for x.

Distribute the -5 across the parentheses:
-2x + 40 + 35x = 7

Combine like terms:
33x + 40 = 7

Subtract 40 from both sides:
33x = -33

Divide both sides by 33:
x = -1

Step 4: Substitute the found value of the variable (x) back into one of the original equations to solve for the other variable. Let's substitute x = -1 into the second equation:

7(-1) + y = -8

-7 + y = -8

Add 7 to both sides:
y = -1

Therefore, the solution to the linear system is x = -1 and y = -1.