Gil rolls a number cube 78 times. How many times can he expect to roll an odd number greater than 1??

im assuming its just a regular number cube with 6 numbers

there are only 2 odd numbers above 1 ( 3 and 5)

so the ratio is 2/6

you want to know how manny times (x) will you roll those numbers out of 78 roll
the ratio is x/78


(2/6) = (x/78)

cross multply to give you 6x= 156 and divide by 6

to give you x = 26

Thanks :)

Great answer and great way to explain. I would do the same thing. This is easy for me



I sill don't understand why you didn't count the rest of the odd numbers.


a shoebox holds a number of disks of the same size there are 5 red 6 white and 7 blue disks you pick out a disk record its color and return it to the box if you repeat this process 250 times how many times can you expect to pick either a red or whit disk?

To find out how many times Gil can expect to roll an odd number greater than 1, we need to calculate the probability of rolling an odd number greater than 1 on a single roll of the number cube, and then multiply that probability by the number of times he rolls the cube.

Step 1: Probability of rolling an odd number greater than 1
On a standard number cube, there are 6 possible outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Out of these, there are 3 odd numbers greater than 1: 3, 5, and 6.
Therefore, the probability of rolling an odd number greater than 1 on a single roll is 3/6 or 1/2.

Step 2: Multiply the probability by the number of rolls
Since Gil rolls the cube 78 times, we simply multiply the probability obtained in Step 1 by 78.
Expected number of times = (1/2) * 78
Expected number of times = 39

Therefore, Gil can expect to roll an odd number greater than 1 approximately 39 times.

26 cross multiplt and get of this website kids and do your work im a teacher at school thank you i will be emailing the schools warning them about this